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The Obama Project: The Case For Change

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On my radio show Tuesday I launched The Obama Project --the attempt to list in succinct fashion the many reasons why President Obama should be defeated in November 2012.


Opponents of the president's re-election shouldn't be lost in the fever swamp of birtherism or challenging the president's Christian beliefs. In fact, Team Obama hopes that bizarre side-issues of zero credibility dominate election coverage and help to keep the public from focusing on thew president's record.

What is vitally necessary is a quick reference guide to the disaster that has been the Obama presidency. I began to assemble it on air and my listeners joined in and quickly we had fashioned "The Obama Project: 50 Reasons To Vote Against Obama 1.0." Your additional suggestions are welcome via

1. Obamacare

2. The failed $850 billion stimulus

3. High, persistent unemployment

4. Gas prices

5. The 2012 budget's fecklessness

6. Massive deficits each and every year

7. The seizure of GM and Chrysler, the transfer of bondholder wealth to unions, and the dumping of the GM stock at a loss

8. Dodd-Frank

9. Hostility to Israel, including attack on apartment expansion and icing of Prime Minister Netanyahu in basement of White House

10. Failure to support Iran's Green Revolution

11. Failure to support Syrian revolution

12. The Libyan Fiasco

13. The incompetent handling of the Gulf Oil disaster

14. The unnecessary permitorium in the aftermath of the Gulf Oil disaster


15. The shutdown of Shell's Arctic oil exploration by EPA

16. The president's push for cap-and-tax in the Congress

17. The president's attempt to unconstitutionally impose cap-and-tax via EPA when the Congress wouldn't pass cap-and-tax

18. The president's push for unconstitutional restrictions on free speech on his political enemies while keeping the unions free to spend money on campaigns via The Disclose Act

19. The president's attempt to unconstitutionally impose The Disclose Act on his political opponents but not unions via Executive Order

20. The president's use of unaccountable "czars"

21. The president's refusal to accept Congressional direction vis-a-vis his "czars" contained in the last 2011 Continuing Resolution

22. The president's verbal assault on the Supreme Court while the members of the Court sat before him in the state of the Union

23. The president and Eric Holder's politicization of the Department of Justice, including the black panthers case and the refusal to defend DOMA

24. The president's use of demonizing rhetoric towards his opponents, such as accusing doctors of performing unnecessary surgery for money

25. The president's hyper-partisan approach to governing including "I won, you lost" in 2009 and the assault on Paul Ryan with Paul Ryan as an invited guest in the president's April 2011 "deficit speech."


26. Bowing to the Saudi King and the Japanese emperor

27. Returning the bust of Churchill to Great Britain

28. Removing the missile shield from Poland and the Czech Republic

29. Backing the would-be dictator of Hondorus when that nation's Supreme Court rightfully removed him from office

30. Failure to push for quick ratification of free trade agreements with Columbia, Panama and South Korea

31. Indecision on Afghanistan surge coupled with announcement of eventual withdrawal.

32. Incoherence on Egypt, most obviously with the dispatch of Frank Wizner and then rejection of Wizner's advice vis-a-vis Mubarak.

33. Appointment Craig Beck to NLRB via recess appointment

34. Appointment of FCC commissioners who are pursuing "net neutrality" without Congressional authorization

35. Failure to resume full water deliveries to California's Central Valley because of the Delta Smelt

36. Attempt to close Guantanamo Bay

37. Attempt to try terrorists in New York City

38. Janet "The System Worked" Napolitano

39. Government takeover of the student loan program

40. Cancellation of "virtual border fence" project with no replacement or indeed concern for border security

41. The "Beer Summit" and the attack on the Cambridge Police Department

42. The Department of Justice's attack on Arizona for that state's exercise of its sovereign legislative authority on the issue of citizen identification rules


43. The attack on Scott Walker and Wisconsin for the governor's and the state legislature's exercise of their sovereign legislative authority on public employment issues

44. Dabbling in basketball brackets while the Middle East fell into chaos and the gas prices skyrocketed

45. Arguing that American exceptionalism was the same as any nation's sense of exceptionalism

46. Implying that Minnesota bridge collapse was the result of lack of infrastructure funding

47. Inserting himself into campaign for the Olympics

48. Attack on D.C. voucher program

49. Van Jones and a long list of other appointees

50. Teleprompter dependency and the worst run of presidential rhetoric since Millard Fillmore combined with testiness in the few interviews he grants.

There's "The Obama Project 1.0." Revisions and perhaps an annotated version arriving soon.

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