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“We the People Implies ‘We the Citizens’, not ‘We the Illegal Aliens’”.

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Those were my first remarks to the Huntington Park City Council, following their appointment of two illegals to city commissions. The outrage of August 17th has exploded into an onslaught of legal, moral, and cultural forces against one city trying to upend the rule of law and turn one city, California, and the entire country in to a sanctuary for illegal aliens.


Working with pro-immigration enforcement activists, all fighting under the banner of “We the People Rising”, dedicated conservatives throughout Southern California and around the country are starting to rise up against unjust representatives, illegal actions, and immoral policies which have rewarded the wrongdoers while punishing lawful citizens.

Not content to rail against the Huntington Park City Council, concerned citizens such as myself have spoken to our own city council representatives, eager to make a difference and bring awareness to the troubling problems of illegal immigration, but more importantly the lack of enforcement. In Torrance, CA, only a voting resident (i.e. citizen) msy serve on commissions (And I am already in training for the position).

At the October 20th, 2015 Huntington Park City Council meeting, more protestors than before arrived, including a former Democrat now Republican Congressional candidate, Christopher Castillo of Wilmington, CA. Young people attended the city council meeting, too, most likely as a requirement for their civics class in high school. According to my fellow conservatives, they are hearing more of our side on the immigration issue.

At the October 6th City Council meeting, the four rogue members had ejected a senior citizen, Dr. Robert Newman, for saying “Yes” three times during my oral communications. His rights were violated, and the city’s reputation was further diminished. One local paper, the Los Angeles Wave, later reported on this civil rights violation, then indicated that Mayor Karina Macias (herself a Bernie Sanders supporter!) is slowly hifting her support away from the two illegal alien appointees.


A legal resident, Betty Retama, i.e. Huntington Park Betty, has never stopped holding her elected officials accountable. That night, she mocked the mayor, toying with her: “You sure know how to dance, Karina!” She set the stage for my comments. During my remarks to the council, I shouted “Yes! Yes! Yes!” then recited a number of federal and state laws violated by the Huntington Park councilmembers. The more that We the People looking in the corrupt leadership, the more dirt comes to the surface. La Raza radical Jhonny Pineda has broken the law before, not just with hiring the two illegal alien appointees for his last campaign, but for advertising himself as an endorsed candidate by the Los Angeles Democratic Party. He is a rogue, even among fellow liberals who had refused to endorse him, and I got to the let whole world know. Why don’t you let him know that you know, too, Dear Townhall Reader?

For the last two months, I have learned how filthy yet permeating machine politics has become in South Eastern Los Angeles, not just with the city of Bell. Political consultant Efren Martinez, who works for LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, has been pulling the strings of the four city councilmembers. The last time I confronted him, he pushed me aside, retorting with: “I have served my country.” Samuel Johnson penned it best: “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” We are getting the word out on Efren Martinez. Why not help us out, Dear Conservatives, and ask him why he directed the city council behind the scenes to eject a law-abiding citizen from the council chambers last month?


Lawlessness has bred more lawlessness, of course, and now a marijuana dispensary has opened up in the city, too close to schools and residencies, another contagion bringing in crime and corruption. Law-breaking has become too easy for elected officials in Huntington Park, and voters are rising up, fed up with the misleading, double-dealing cronyism and brazen affront to our national sovereignty. The 90255 Association, Business and Residents United, are not taking “I don’t know” for an answer, either.

Speaking of the law, conservatives are now learning to work effectively with law enforcement, and press for prosecutors, district attorneys, and any other official to step on this city council. Former Councilmember Linda Caraballo, assisting our efforts, has filed a separate complaint, alleging that Efren Martinez ran a sham campaign of his own for city council, just to launder money. Ouch!

More good news: the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Public Integrity Division responded to my written complaints. The Huntington Park City council has repeatedly violated California’s Ralph M. Brown Act. Not just throwing out a senior citizen, but also for denying opportunity for Huntington Park homeowner, fellow citizen, and activist Edmundo Perez. Yes! Yes! Yes! Despite the abject illiberal despotism of the Democratic Party and their “progressive” cohorts, freedom of speech and public access are taken very seriously here -- at least on paper, and in the 1950s, state legislators wanted to ensure free and easy access for citizens to voice their concerns and watch over their public officials.


Our case and our cause against the rogue councilmembers is growing. During the SLAIRA luncheon which celebrated high-profile conservative California legislators, I told state senator Joel Anderson (R-El Cajon) about Huntington Park. This lawmaker, who had taken time out of his day to come to Los Angeles, directed staff to look into this crime against national law and order. One official contacted my Congressman (liberal amnestarian Ted Lieu), and then connect me with the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder. Are these illegals listed as registered voters, too?

California conservatives are now teaming up to recall the city council. Two long-time resident watchdogs (including a former Congressional challenger) have already stepped up to challenge the incompetent incumbents. The noose is tightening around the illegal aliens and their elected panderers in Huntington Park, We the People are rising, not afraid to confront, not giving up the fight, emboldening residents and readers alike.

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