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Race of the Day: Herrera Erupts in WA-3

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

With just a week to go until Election Day, one of the tightest races in the Northwest is Washington’s Third Congressional District.  As support continues to shift towards Republican Jaime Herrera, voters are clearly ready to send a message to Washington, DC.  Given Democrat Denny Heck’s record of raising taxes and stunting economic growth, it’s no surprise that the people of Washington would want to deny Nancy Pelosi another reliable vote in Congress.


To show just how out-of-touch Heck is with the majority of Americans, Heck openly claimed that the healthcare law enacted by the House in the spring did not go “far enough”.  Not even the Democrat leadership currently in place thought they could push their government takeover of healthcare further than they did in March, which paints a clear picture of the true policies Heck would back if elected.

Denny Heck is a voice that can’t be allowed to come to Congress and misrepresent Southwest Washington by backing the Pelosi/Obama agenda in Washington. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to visit Herrera’s website for ways to support her campaign.

Original Post (09/07/2010):

Republican Jaime Herrera and Democrat Denny Heck both emerged from a crowded primary of six as the top two vote-getters. The biggest winner in the Third District, however, is Herrera, who faced the greatest competition, received double the votes of her closest Republican rival and came within a narrow margin of Heck, who had little-to-no opposition from within his party. In November, the two will face off in what will be a closely-watched race in this open seat.

Brian Baird’s retirement left one of the country’s most moderate districts up for grabs. Washington’s Third is one of only nine districts in the country with a Cook Partisan Voter Index score of “even,” meaning its political performance is generally on par with the national average and the district is statically evenly split between Republicans and Democrats.


Fortunately, Republican Jaime Herrera offers Washington families the change they need. As an independent-minded leader, Herrera will provide commonsense solutions, rather than partisan ideologies. From 2005 to 2007, Herrera served as a Senior Legislative Aide for Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, acting as the Congresswoman's lead advisor on healthcare policy, education, veterans' and women's issues. In 2007, Herrera was appointed to a vacancy as State Representative in Washington State's 18th Legislative District. After serving in the 2008 legislative session, she was successfully elected with 60 percent of the vote in 2008.

Democrat Denny Heck supports the same job-killing policies the out-of-touch Democrat majority has been forcing upon Americans. The former five-term State Representative and majority leader from liberal Olympia supports the Democrat agenda which has led our nation to sky-high unemployment and a ballooning national debt. For instance, Heck has backed the Democrat's healthcare takeover which places punishing burdens and new taxes on small businesses and middle-class families. As evidence of Hererra’s impressive primary win and a recent poll showing her leading Heck by a 54 to 41 percent margin, it’s clear that Washington voters are tired of the same failed policies that have worsened our economy.

Luckily in November, middle-class families have an opportunity to elect Jaime Herrera and begin moving towards a better and more fiscally sound Washington. For more information about Hererra’s campaign, visit her website or check out her Facebook and Twitter pages.


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