Why is it that the most progressive states--the states that claim to be about the benefit of all--are so blasted discriminatory when it comes to guns? First, we have New Jersey's naked racism, and now we have their neighboring state getting smacked down in court over a law that tried to deny gun rights to poor folks.
Well, not all poor folks, mind you. Just the one who had no choice but to turn to the government for help as opposed to being homeless.
See, the law barred them from having guns in public housing. Past tense.
Basically, they can't brandish guns and claim that they're lawful to do so. They also can't open carry, but since they can't do that lawfully in most circumstances anyway--not in New York, anyway--then calling it a lease violation isn't the biggest issue someone is going to run into.
But I'm bothered by the fact that anyone thought they could do this in the first place.
The government should never have the power to tell someone, "We'll help you, but only if you give up at least some of your rights."
If we're going to do that, why not at least start with voting rights? Anyone who is living off of government largesse has a vested interest in keeping certain parties in power for their own profit, after all, so we could argue it's vote-buying unless they give up voting while living in government-owned housing.
Yet if we tried that, people would howl, and not without at least some reason to.
So why was this ever considered an option?
Well, it's not now. nor should it ever be going forward.