Robert Francis O'Rourke -- aka Beto, a nickname he stole to sound more Hispanic -- is going on a tour of the country into districts and counties that he claims have been terrorized by President Donald J. Trump's dangerous rhetoric against the most vulnerable among us. But apparently, he has no time to defend the unborn this trip. This week on the campaign trail, Beto told a pro-life voter that he could have been aborted the day before his birthday, and it wasn't his choice to make. Beto claimed it was solely the decision of his mother whether he could be killed in the womb up until the moment of his birth.
On Monday a student at the College Of Charleston asked Beto the following:
"Someone asked you specifically, specifically about third trimester abortions, and you said that’s a decision left up to the mother. So, my question is this: I was born Sept. 8, 1989, and I want to know if you think on Sept. 7, 1989, my life had no value," the man asked.
Beto responded:
"Of course I don’t think that," O’Rourke responded. "And of course I’m glad that you’re here. But you referenced my answer in Ohio, and it remains the same. This is a decision that neither you, nor I, nor the United States government should be making. That’s a decision for the woman to make."
Beto also doubled down, saying, "I don’t question the decisions that a woman makes. Only a woman knows what she knows, and I want to trust her with that." The audience cheered his message.
The exchange can be seen here:
Beto O’Rourke told a voter to his face that he would be ok with his mother aborting him the day before his birth.
— (@LifeNewsHQ) August 27, 2019
"That’s a decision for the woman to make.”
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