The 2020 Democratic agenda is about as old it gets. Socialism fails everywhere it has been tried, and despite the candidate's new spin on their collectivist, big government ideas -- they really haven't innovated their economic solutions all that much since the days of Karl Marx. But not only are their ideas old, the contenders themselves are pretty elderly as well. For all their claim that they're the party of the future with new ideas promoted by young energized people to propel America into the 21st century, the top three candidates have a combined age of 223.
Radio host Jesse Kelly pointed out today that the latest Economist and YouGov Poll shows that the "top 3 Democrats in the country have a combined age of 223." Indeed, former Vice President Joe Biden is 76, Vermont Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders is 77, and Massachusets Sen. Elizabeth Warren is 70.
The top 3 Democrats in the country have a combined age of 223 and they’re all whiter than renting out Dave n Busters for your child’s birthday.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) August 21, 2019
Likewise, Kelly comically notes that "they’re all whiter than renting out Dave n Busters for your child’s birthday." Indeed, for a party that pushes social justice collectivism and openly seeks reparations, one has to ask why these three white people won't simply not seek office so that minority candidate can have a position of power?
Another point about the contradictory aspects of the Democrats' top three choices is that is all of these candidates seek to redistribute other people's money. Biden has a net worth of $1.5 million, Sanders at least $2.5 million alongside owning three homes, and Sen. Warren has around $8 million.
So, the Democratic 2020 platform is against rich, white, old people yet the standard-bearer of the party are three rich, old, white people.
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