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Short on Cash, DNC Does About-Face on Fossil Fuel Donations

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And for the cash-strapped Democratic National Committee, that means reversing a policy of not accepting money from people who are employed by fossil fuel companies.


“We have to draw the line that we are indeed a party of a big tent where all working people are welcome," said DNC Chairman Tom Perez on Friday night. "We’re not a party that punishes workers simply based on how they make ends meet.”

As reported by the Washington Examiner, "Perez sponsored the Friday resolution that allows the DNC to accept contributions from workers that are employed by fossil fuel firms, such as those that mine coal, drill for and refine natural gas and oil." 

The resolution originally passed in June. Perez claims the decision to change teir policy again is to signal that they are a big tent party, but one can't help but wonder if it has more to do with the fact the DNC is majorly in debt. Heading into the summer, the DNC had nearly $5.7 million worth of debt and with $8.7 million of cash on hand. The Republican National Committee, however, had zero debt and nearly 5 times the amount of cash on hand. 

(via Washington Post)

As the majority of states gear up for 2018 general-election battles, the RNC yet again showed strong fundraising totals, hauling in another $14 million in May for a total of $187.7 million for the cycle, according to new Federal Election Commission records filed Wednesday night. The RNC had $47.4 million in cash on hand, records show.

The Democratic National Committee raised $5.6 million in May for a total of $97.8 million for the cycle. The DNC also remained in debt this month, as it has all year, with $8.7 million cash on hand and $5.7 million in debt, FEC records show.


As I reported last year, the RNC's fundraising success is largely due to small-dollar donations from Americans wanting to support President Trump.

"...millions of dollars that Trump supporters have given to the RNC in the form of low-dollar donations – donations of $200 or less. 

In 2017, more than $40 million worth of donations to the RNC have come from low-dollar donations. That’s 60% of the total $68 million raised by the RNC this year. 

This trend for Donald Trump is nothing new. An often unreported fact of the 2016 election is that Trump managed to raise $239 million off donations of $200 or less. 

That means President Trump received more low-dollar donations than Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders- combined."

Despite the DNC's change of heart and opening of wallets on fuel donations, Perez maintains that the party is committed to fighting climate change.

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