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Guess Where Hamas Is Launching Rockets From Into Israel

AP Photo/Fatima Shbair

New documentation released by the Israel Defense Forces shows more of the barbarism practiced by Hamas terrorists inside the Gaza Strip. In addition to targeting civilian targets indiscriminately across Israel with their rockets, Hamas has continued to launch their attacks from locations intended to endanger civilians in Gaza, including United Nations buildings, mosques, and schools. 


For anyone who's followed Hamas terrorists' long-running attacks against Israeli civilians, it's no surprise that the terrorists — along with other aligned groups such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad — continue to jeopardize the lives of people within their own territory. 

And, as the rocket launches toward Israel continue into a second straight week since the barbaric attack was launched against Israel on October 7, Hamas has not changed its strategy, as reports from the IDF show. 

Hamas sympathizers working in the media, nonprofits, and government will try to argue that rockets launched from Gaza are an attempt at liberating Gazans from "apartheid" or an "open-air prison." But if Hamas — also the government in the Gaza Strip — was seeking to save its people from what they claim is an "occupation," they wouldn't be intentionally jeopardizing the lives of their civilians. 


By launching from or near civilian targets such as schools and hospitals and international peacekeeper outposts, Hamas is daring Israel to respond in order to stop the launches — and using the resulting IDF strike neutralizing the terrorists as supposed proof that Israel is launching attacks at civilian targets. That is, "attack our people so we can get our friends to justify our work to eliminate Israel and its people."

It's all a lie, and all the danger comes from the terrorists launching their rocket attacks, but the international community is quick to blame Israel and take Hamas propaganda portraying their terrorists, inexplicably, as the victims as fact. 

For example, Hamas launched rockets from just outside the wall surrounding a kindergarten:

As well as near a mosque:

And along a strip of schools:

As another IDF video explains, there have been more than 7,000 rockets fired at Israel in just the last two weeks and change, and each launch poses a threat to the people of Gaza with some 5-10 percent misfiring and taking out buildings of people in the Gaza Strip. 


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