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Biden Raises Eyebrows With 'God Save the Queen' Comment

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

President Joe Biden baffled an audience after concluding a speech on gun reform with an odd phrase. 

On Friday, Biden once again raised eyebrows during a speech after his sign-off left people confused as to what he was saying, why he was saying it, and what he was trying to refer to. 


After warning the crowd they could be liable for the actions of people who steal their cars, Biden said, "God save the Queen, man"— despite Queen Elizabeth II being dead since 2022 and being replaced by a king. 

When he uttered the iconic line, Biden had just finished a speech on gun control at the National Safer Communities Summit in Connecticut.

Reporters noted that after Biden said those famous words, the president looked confused as he tried to find the exit off the stage. 

The day's White House pool report also had no idea what the 80-year-old president meant by his remarks. 

"Those watching online heard the final utterance of President Biden at the gun summit -- god save the queen man -- several of you have asked me why he might have said that -- I have no idea," the pool report, assigned to Dallas Morning News White House correspondent Todd Gillman. "Other poolers likewise have no idea."

Deputy White House press secretary Olivia Dalton told reporters that Biden "was commenting to someone in the crowd." However, many point out that a queen of Connecticut does not exist. 

Biden's strange sign-off fueled critics to mock his inability to get through a speech without embarrassing the country. 


The president's speech focused on the Left's continued push to restrict the Second Amendment. He called for new laws to ban AR-15-style semiautomatic rifles and high-capacity magazines, making gun owners liable for the unsafe storage of their weapons.

"If any one of you drove up to the parking lot here today, got out of your car, left a key in your car, and a kid comes along — 13-14 years old — gets in your car, takes it on a joyride and kills someone — guess what? You're liable," Biden claimed. 


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