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18 States Sue Biden As Illegal Aliens Enter the U.S., Reaping the Benefits of a U.S. Citizen

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

North Dakota is the latest state to join the fight against President Joe Biden's open border policies that are wreaking havoc on the country— three years after he took office. 


Eighteen states have filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration in response to the new "Circumvention of Lawful Pathways" rule, which would provide asylum for some qualifying non-citizens who cross U.S. borders.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, the new rule "is designed to address the current and anticipated surge in migration throughout the hemisphere and further discourage irregular migration by encouraging migrants to use lawful, safe, and orderly processes for entering the United States and other partner nations; imposing conditions on asylum eligibility for those who fail to do so; and supporting the swift return of migrants who do not have valid protection claims."

However, Republican attorney generals argue that it will worsen the ongoing problem at the border by re-defining previously illegal border crossings as lawful pathways.

Attorney General Drew Wrigley (R-ND) said, "Rather than enforcing our border security laws, the federal government is encouraging illegal aliens to schedule their entry into this country through a phone app, after which they predictably disperse around the country without any meaningful oversight."


The lawsuit criticizes Biden for refusing to carry out his constitutional duties as president and instead welcoming illegal migrants into the country with open arms. 

The attorney generals claim that the new rule would allow thousands of illegal aliens to keep the benefits of a U.S. citizen despite entering the country illegally. 

The 55-page lawsuit argues that they would be allowed to cross the border and immediately receive work authorization and quick access to public benefits— and "the States will still be forced to bear the cost of their presence." 

Missouri, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming have all signaled their support in taking Biden to court to force him to do his job. 


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