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Nikki Haley Announces 'The Freedom Plan' to Rescue Middle Class From Biden's Failed Policies

AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

On Friday morning, former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) announced her economic plan known as "the Freedom Plan" from New Hampshire explaining to voters how she'll rescue the middle class from the failures of Bidenomics. Major components include "Cut middle-class taxes," "Reduce inflation and debt by cutting spending," and "Reduce federal government control of our lives."


She previewed the plan earlier in the day when speaking to Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo, during which she stressed her experience with economic issues. "I'm not a lawyer, I'm an accountant and so I know the importance of economic strength," she reminded. 

Haley also heavily criticized President Joe Biden and where his economic failures have led this country. "The way you get economic strength is not doing what Joe Biden has done which has sent us down this rabbit hole of socialism. All that does is dole out money, in efforts to go and have government control your lives. What we’re going to do is we’re going to strengthen the middle class again. Socialism makes the wealthy more wealthy and makes the poor more poor," she pointed out. 

"Once we get that cash back into the pockets of our middle class, then let’s focus on inflation, debt, and spending. When we do that, we’ll talk about ways of getting that down. Then we will go to economic freedom," Haley also explained. "How do we go and free us up? Let’s reduce the programs at the federal government. Let’s send it down to the states. That way you are reducing the size of the federal government and you’re strengthening the people on the ground."


During the speech itself, Haley touched considerably on freedom as "our secret weapon." As Haley warned, though, "we aren't moving toward freedom anymore. In fact, we’re running away from it."

"In two-and-a-half years, Joe Biden has done more damage than anyone thought possible," Haley laid out, speaking to the issue of inflation in particular and claiming "Joe Biden’s spending binge is to blame."

As Haley laid out in her speech:

Whether it’s the big government right or the bigger government left, our leaders are insulting the American people. They’re telling single moms – don’t worry, just be dependent on welfare. They’re telling college students – don’t work hard, because the taxpayer is going to cancel your loans. They’re telling business owners – don’t serve your customers, just chase subsidies. Joe Biden is ultimately sending a message to every American: Don’t bother to dream; don’t bother to dare. Government’s got this. Well, how’s that going for us?

We became the greatest country the world has ever seen because we rejected that lie. Instead of giving power to government, we empowered the people. There’s a name for that – freedom. And every generation of Americans has proven that free people achieve extraordinary things. 

We’re now losing that classic American spirit. Too many families think our best days are behind us. Nearly 80% of families say they don’t believe our children will live as good of a life as we did. That is tragic. But it’s only true if Washington keeps controlling us. It’s time to return our country back to its rightful owners: Us – the American people. Our future depends on regaining our freedom.

Americans are tired of working for Washington.  It’s time for Washington to start working for us. That’s why I’m unveiling my “Freedom Plan.”

I’ll make Washington work for you, not the other way around. The American people are the only ones who will out-compete--and ultimately defeat--Communist China.


Among Haley's specific plans include to eliminate the federal gas and diesel tax so as "to give middle-class families relief from Biden's inflation and disastrous energy policies," as well as "cut income tax rates and consolidate brackets for middle-class families" and "make small business tax relief permanent."

Inflation has been a tremendous concern for voters during Biden's time in office, and the president has not had high marks for his handling of the issue. Haley tied inflation and debt to spending with specific provisions such as "place a limit on federal spending linked to a percentage of our economy" as well as "veto any budget that doesn't take our country back to pre-COVID spending levels," to "implement mandatary zero-based budgeting, requiring government programs to be justified in every budget." 

Another dig at Biden mentions a plan to "eliminate Biden's $500 billion in green energy subsidies." 

The plan shows that Haley is particularly committed to smart budgeting, as one provision mentions "withhold Congress' pay if it fails to pass a budget."

When it comes to Social Security benefits, an issue Biden has engaged in particular fear mongering on when it comes to Republicans' plans, Haley's plan mentions to "implement reforms to save Social Security and Medicare for younger generations, without away from people nearing or in retirement." 


The plan also involves other priorities that Haley has mentioned, including "term limits for politicians and bureaucrats." From the start of her campaign, Haley has called for term limits and a competency test for candidates above 75-years-old. 

 "Under my plan, we won’t just have term limits for politicians. We will limit bureaucrats too," Haley explained in her speech. "No bureaucrat should hold the same position for more than five years. This will make them better public servants and avoid the politics and power fiefdoms that corrupt our government. And we should be able to fire those who are not performing. Public service is a privilege, not a right. And no one has a right to roll back your freedom."

In speaking about freedom, Haley took digs at fellow Republicans, too.

"We’re living through the biggest revolution since 1776--and the polar opposite, too. We are led by a president and a party who believe Washington should have more power than the American people. We’re told that central planners can run our lives better than we can," she said. "Entire industries now live, or die, based on the whims of Washington. Bidenomics is government control of everyone, from job creators to working families."

But, Haley also warned "we hear similar foolishness from some Republicans" in that they want so-called 'industrial policy' that bails out railroad unions or promotes the misnamed 'stakeholder capitalism' which she called "little more than socialism lite."


Towards her closing, Haley once more brought the issue back to freedom, while also mentioning the threats of Communist China:

A new birth of freedom will benefit every American. Yet the most important benefit will be greater safety and security. Communist China is the biggest threat we’ve faced in decades, yet it’s only been able to compete with us because our leaders have forgotten who we are, and what we stand for. They’ve zapped the source of our strength and our pride. It’s up to us to bring it back.

I know we can. Freedom is still our secret weapon. If we unlock it, Communist China doesn’t stand a chance, because nothing is more powerful than the American people. I ask you to join me in saving our freedom and securing our future – a future of peace, opportunity, and prosperity for all.

When we join together in this effort, I know our best days are still to come.

The plan comes out as Haley has risen in the polls since last month's first RNC debate, especially in New Hampshire. A CNN poll released earlier this month also put Haley as the Republican candidate to beat Biden by the most comfortable margin, 49 to 43 percent. Other candidates tied or had wins within the margin of error. According to RealClearPolitics (RCP), Haley polls fourth overall at 4.9 percent, behind former President Donald Trump, Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis, and Vivek Ramaswamy. 


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