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Jim Jordan Subpoenas DOJ Tax Officials in Hunter Biden Case

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

More and more has been coming out about the Hunter Biden indictments, and it continues to not look good for the FBI. Matt just covered one such narrative that was revealed earlier this week in which the bureau had tried, in yet another instance, to discredit IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler who have been warning about concerns with the authority then U.S. Attorney David Weiss, now special counsel, had when it comes to bringing charges against the the first son. These narratives are definitely getting noticed


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Thursday subpoenaed senior litigation counsel Mark Daly to appear before his Committee for a deposition on September 27, and trial attorney Jack Morgan to do so on September 28. The Washington Examiner, which reviewed the subpoenas, describes the two as having been "involved with the department's yearslong investigation into President Joe Biden's son Hunter."

Daly and Morgan are just two of 13 invited to appear before the Committee with regards to the Department of Justice's (DOJ) questionable--at best--handling of the Hunter Biden investigation. 

As the Washington Examiner reported about their involvement:

Eleven of the officials worked within the DOJ, and the department had pushed back on the interview requests in a response to Republicans in July. The DOJ cited its policies of not sharing nonpublic information about ongoing investigations and leaving congressional interviews to "appropriate supervisory personnel, rather than line attorneys and agents."

Some of the 13, including Daly and Morgan, fall under nonsupervisory personnel.

As a result of the DOJ's resistance, Jordan subpoenaed two of the officials, leading to negotiations between the DOJ and the committee and an eventual arrangement that involved Jordan being able to question them and the DOJ being allowed to have department counsel present at the interviews.


Daly allegedly presented a case against Biden related to the 2014 and 2015 tax years to the office of U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves of Washington, D.C., according to Gary Shapley, an IRS criminal investigator who went public with concerns about the Hunter Biden case this year.

Shapley said Daly at first said the Washington, D.C., office was interested in taking on the case against Hunter Biden but said that days later, Daly changed his tune and said Graves did not want to.

Shapley testified, "And then it was 2 or 3 days later, Mark Daly calls and says, 'No, they don't support it. So we're basically dead in the water.'"

Morgan, who worked with Daly, was alleged to have presented reasons at a meeting in June 2022 about why charges should not be brought against the president's son.


During the months of June and July, Weiss, who has since been designated special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland, caused considerable confusion and raised concerns with a series of responses to members of Congress, including Jordan, about the kind of authority he had. As Jordan and attorneys at Empower Oversight, which represents Shapley, have pointed out, the whistleblowers have not changed their stories, though the DOJ certainly has.

Jordan, along with House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO), have been investigating Hunter Biden and Biden family corruption overall from multiple angles since Republicans took control of the House earlier this year. Comer has stressed the need to bring a methodical case so that it will hold up in the courts when Biden family attorneys no doubt try to stonewall the committees. 

Jordan himself and with the other chairmen has also sent multiple letters for more information on many matters related to the Biden family.

Among the concerns worth investigating include the preferential treatment it appears that Hunter Biden has gotten, including the recent gun charges announced against the first son, as legal experts have issued warnings for conservatives not to be fooled when it comes to what is amounting to likely distractions.

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