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Capitol Police Launch Investigation After Congresswoman Nearly Run Over While Praying Outside Abortion Clinic

Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) was praying outside of the Whole Woman's Health of South Bend last Saturday when a Dodge Challenger nearly ran her and another person over, though the driver stopped short on the brakes just before doing so.


REAL News Michiana has been covering the incident so far, complete with video footage via security cameras. Photos of the area also show a bike lane and a large shoulder, which the car crossed over. 

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has also tweeted his support for the congresswoman. 

The congresswoman's office released a statement on Saturday:

“On Saturday, May 15th, I joined a group of pro-life Hoosiers in prayer while they gathered peacefully near a South Bend abortion clinic. As I was leaving, a vehicle traveling quickly down Lincoln Way West swerved toward the group and came to an abrupt stop just a few feet away from me. Given the recent increase in threats against members of Congress, the U.S. Capitol Police are investigating this incident.

“I stand with my fellow pro-life Hoosiers who work to defend the most vulnerable among us, the unborn. They will not be silenced or intimidated by threats or acts of violence from radical activists. As Americans, we can debate and disagree on fundamental issues, but it is absolutely unacceptable to endanger the lives of others.”


This isn't the first time pro-life activists have been targeted at this location. REAL News Michiana has reported on previous incidents, including to do with Michael Case, a clinic escort who is soon getting out of his Dodge Challenger to curse out pro-life activists outside of the facility. He is seen getting concerningly close, without a mask, not long after COVID had been declared a pandemic. 

Violence or attempted violence against pro-lifers praying or counseling women considering abortion is nothing new. Examples include an 85-year old man who was assaulted while praying outside a Planned Parenthood in San Francisco in 2019, with this incident being the second time he said he was physically assaulted by the same man. On May 21, 2020, a man driving a jeep threw rocks at Christina Garza, which hit her knee, while she was praying outside the Southwestern Women’s Options, as she had been doing for seven years. In 2017, when she was 15 years old at the time, Purity Thomas was punched by a woman outside of a Planned Parenthood in Roanoke, resulting in a minor concussion.

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