
The DNC's Bizarre Segregation Continues With Prayer Rooms

If you thought that the DNC segregating their caucuses by race and other criteria for this week was weird enough, that was just one part of the bizarre virtue signaling seen on display. Amy Curtis at our sister site of Twitchy is covering how the prayer rooms are also segregated by sex, and there's even an option for a "gender neutral prayer room."

The Daily Wire's Brent Scher, who on Monday mornming posted official signs from the DNC of where attendees segregated by race and/or their sexual orientation could go and at what time, shared footage on Monday night as well.

Each curtained off "prayer room" contains a table, chairs, a container of Clorox wipes, and prayer rugs, with the latter likely meant for Muslims. As Curtis pointed out in her piece, "given Islam's view of the trans issue, it's a little insulting to have a 'gender neutral' prayer room specifically decked out for Islamic prayer, no?"

The concept of "Gender Neutral" spaces has been all over at the DNC, as there was also a bizarre situation involving "Gender Neutral" bathrooms, with the "Women's Restroom" also being a single-toilet bathroom. 

The Washington Times' Susan Ferrechio explained the predicament in several posts shared to her X account.

This is hardly the only bizarre way in which Democrats have treated prayer this week. Cardinal Blase Cupich, of the Archdiocese of Chicago, gave an invocation on Monday night at the DNC. He did so without mentioning the name of Jesus, though, and with his cross hidden. 

Such a prayer was given as the Democrats' best friend, Planned Parenthood, provides free vasectomies as well as emergency contraception and abortion-inducing drugs nearby. Those services sold out ahead of the DNC's official proceedings.