
Happy One-Year Anniversary to the Bidens Being Totally Humiliated by a Christmas Caller

It feels like this happened ten years ago, given what has transpired over the past year. Since this hilarious Christmas call, Joe Biden has thrust the nation into a proxy war with Russia over Ukraine, hurled the economy into a recession, and spiked inflation to historic levels. He also seems incapable of resolving any foreign or domestic crisis that comes across his desk. But let’s rehash this moment when a Christmas caller told the Bidens to screw themselves essentially, and they agreed with that sentiment. During the NORAD Santa tracker call, the person concluded his little chat with the Bidens by saying, “let’s go, Brandon.”

In October of 2021, when everyone knew this guy couldn’t do the job, NBC Sports reporter Kelli Stavast was part of what would be a national war cry against this administration. Interviewing NASCAR racer Brandon Brown who had won the Sparks 300 race at Talladega that year, the audience is clearly shouting, “f**k, Joe Biden.” Stavast tried to run interference, “As you can hear the chants from the crowd, 'Let's go, Brandon,’” this chant became a punchline. Even Newsweek wrote that it’s clear what the NASCAR crowd is chanting. 

The best part remains Joe’s response. 

“Let’s go, Brandon, I agree,” he said. 

Happy anniversary to the Bidens, telling the country they suck and should screw themselves. 

And yes, of course, the media and liberal America had a meltdown.