
Hypocrite: AOC Filmed Maskless at Crowded Bar in Miami

The saga of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her trip to Florida continues, as the squad member was filmed on Sunday at a crowded bar in Miami without a mask. 

The tweeted footage came from Brendon Leslie with Florida's Conservative Voice. In addition to confirming that the whole point of tweeting the footage was "to expose hypocrisy," Leslie had also noted that it was "NOT because I want to sleep with you," referring to AOC. 

Leslie's line was in response to the congresswoman's bizarre claims that those Republicans who criticized her for vacationing in Florida "are mad they can’t date me," as Leah highlighted on Friday and Derek Hunter addressed in a Sunday column. And it got even more from there as AOC ranted about "sexual frustrations" in a Twitter thread that was seriously mocked.

AOC has been in Florida for several days, while New York City, where her district is located, experiences record high COVID cases. 

Gov. Ron DeSantis' press secretary, Christina Pushaw, highlighted how New York City is experiencing even more cases with its particularly strict mandates. Meanwhile, it's Florida that is derided by the left.

AOC herself has contributed to that negative attention thrown at Florida and at Gov. DeSantis, as she accused  him of being "inexplicably missing for like two weeks." 

As DeSantis' staff has shared, though, and as Julio reported on Friday, the governor is not "missing." It was also recently revealed that Gov. DeSantis has been accompanying his wife, Casey DeSantis, to her breast cancer treatments. Sure enough, though, as Matt and I have highlighted, the left has still continued to dump on DeSantis, even after such news came out about his whereabouts.

Patriot Takes, which is partnered with Meidas Touch, slammed the couple for attending a worship event and has also come under fire for their particularly dumb latest conspiracy theory, which is pointing out that Ron and Casey DeSantis are wearing the same outfits in their Christmas and New Year's Instagram posts, as are their children.

As of early Monday morning, AOC has not addressed appearing massless at the bar over Twitter as she has the other photo of her and her boyfriend.