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AOC Ends 2021 Even Dumber Than She Started It

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AP Photo/Seth Wenig

The ability to learn from experience is what separates us from the animals, or at least some of us from some of them. If 2021 is going to have any value to us as a species, we need to take the lessons available and apply them to 2022 and beyond. Some of us won’t, liberals seem incapable, and some people are just so damn stupid that no amount of teachable moments will ever make a dent in their heads. Luckily, the Venn diagram of those liberals who can’t learn and those who won’t is just a circle, and the remaining 80 percent of the country can learn. This reality is exemplified by one person, can you guess who it is?


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the buck-toothed Member of Congress from Queens, is upset people have noticed her hypocrisy. She’s on vacation in Florida while her district is being crushed by COVID cases. She once attacked Senator Ted Cruz for doing the same thing with a trip to Mexico, now she’s pretending it’s different when she does it. 

Moreover, she’s pretending every Republican critical of her hypocrisy simply wants to sleep with her. In response to a picture of the Member of Congress who could eat a sandwich through a fence and her boyfriend, AOC tweeted, “It’s starting to get old ignoring the very obvious, strange, and deranged sexual frustrations that underpin the Republican fixation on me, women, & LGBT+ people in general.” 

It couldn’t possibly be that she’s a fraud – the “woe is me” brat with the six-figure salary driving a Tesla, living in one of the most expensive buildings in DC, pretending to be just a former bartender scraping by – now, could it? 

And what does “LGBT+” have to do with anything? It doesn’t, it’s just another distraction. AOC isn’t gay, but she’ll hide behind gay people if it suits her. By the way, what happened to the “Q”? Do people who identify as queer or who are questioning not count to her? They must not. Then again, anyone not her doesn’t count to her.


She’s living the dream – a job where all she has to do is talk, and very few people are bothering to check the validity or accuracy of what she says. It’s like she’s bartending all over again, only this time she doesn’t have to flirt for tips. 

Unfortunately for her, there are some people with memories longer than the last 5 minutes; those who notice her child-like retorts are empty and apply more to her than anyone else. 

It’s clear this is getting to her, she’s snapping more frequently and in ways she’d denounce, were it not her doing it. AOC spends more time wrapping herself in her genitals and skin color, the last refuge of a leftist afraid of being exposed, than she does even trying to refute anything said about her. That she’s added gay to the mix, something she is not, only adds to the stench of desperation she’s emitting. 

That “New Congresswoman Smell” is gone. It has to be tough trying to matter when you don’t. Once you get the warm spotlight of glowing press coverage baking your skin, it can be like a heroin addict needing to up their dose to achieve the same high they need. You find yourself doing all sorts of things, anything, to get it back.

On New Year’s Eve, in desperate need of a distraction from the fact that she ran away from her constituents in their time of need to seek fun in the sun in a red state, AOC decided to attack Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis. AOC tweeted, “Hasn’t Gov. DeSantis been inexplicably missing for like 2 weeks?”


Not really. But just because leftists don’t notice something doesn’t mean it’s not happening. 

Unlike the airhead from up north vacationing in the free state of Florida, Governor DeSantis isn’t on a personal fun trip while the people he represents are subjected to draconian restrictions on their rights. In addition to maintaining a full schedule, Governor DeSantis has been accompanying his wife, Casey, to cancer treatments. 

Mrs. DeSantis was diagnosed with breast cancer in October. You’d think someone with an inflated, um, sense of self-worth like AOC would understand; that a “champion of women” might retract or apologize once she was exposed as sending out something that moronic, but you’d be wrong. She hasn’t bothered to say a word about it because she’s a bad person who deserves everything bad that comes her way; she’s earned it.

Now that it’s 2022, don’t expect the AOCs of the world to have learned anything from every time they’ve stepped directly into a steaming pile of dog excrement sitting in the middle of the sidewalk on a sunny day. They don’t care. They’ve stepped in it so many times it’s a part of them. Dumb people never learn from their mistakes. Which means she’ll continue to make them, and will easily be reelected this year. 


Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter

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