
Joe Biden Yet Again Had a Slip of the Tongue About Who's President

President Joe Biden gave a commencement speech full of some pretty bizarre comments on Friday at South Carolina State University, as Katie has highlighted. He also yet again had a slip of the tongue about who is president, referring to Vice President Kamala Harris as President Harris. As a result, "President Harris" has been trending on Twitter.

While many of the tweets referred to the slip, the hysterical Occupy Democrats account claimed it was a smear tactic.

The slip came when Biden had been referring to "President Harris, who's a proud Howard alum."

It's even included in the official White House transcript, though as Byron York pointed out, the president's remarks have been corrected.

This is hardly the only time that Biden has referred to someone other than himself as president. It's happened not only with Harris, but with Dr. Anthony Fauci as well. Earlier this month, as Katie covered, Biden quipped that he saw Dr. Fauci more than his wife. "Who's president? Fauci! But all kidding aside."

The 2024 ticket has been a popular news topic as of late, with many wondering whether or not Biden will run for re-election, though he said last month he plans to

Vice President Harris, as quoted in the Wall Street Journal, said that "I’m not going to talk about our conversations, but I will tell you this without any ambiguity: We do not talk about nor have we talked about re-election, because we haven’t completed our first year and we’re in the middle of a pandemic," with Matt highlighting the absurdity of such remarks earlier on Friday.

Biden, who many have expressed concerns to do with potential cognitive decline, as well as his age, was already the oldest president sworn in. He just recently turned 79 years old and will be almost 82 for the 2024 election. 

Despite claims that Biden will run again, many in the media are already speculating that he will not, and have pointed to Harris and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg as potential contenders to replace Biden.