
POTUS Tweet Claims He's Been 'Working Around the Clock,' As He's Fled to Delaware

On Saturday night, President Joe Biden's official Twitter account sent out a video claiming that he's "been working around the clock to pass" the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation. The video is already overdone as it is. It's downright laughable considering it came after the president had already fled to Delaware. Biden was at the Capitol on Friday to meet with the House Democratic caucus, for a visit that was as hyped as it was useless, considering there was no resulting vote.

"It’s the platform I was elected on – and I intend to deliver it for the American people," the accompanying text of the tweet also reads. 

All sides of the issue are aware that passing Biden's agenda items and even protecting his legacy and his campaign promises are on the line. 

While President Biden may claim he ran as a so-called moderated and was elected because he is one, these price tags are anything but. When actual moderates, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) speak up as a matter of fiscal sanity and serving their constituents, they're derided for it. As Landon covered, though Friday's episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher" defended the senators and fiscal responsibility.

Further, that the infrastructure and reconciliation bills are still tied together, and that there hasn't been a vote yet on infrastructure, is evidence that this has been a victory for progressives.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), who chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus, has been repeatedly adamant that there are not enough votes from progressives for the infrastructure bill to pass.

Late on Sunday night, a "Dear Colleague" press release from Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) office announced that the vote for infrastructure was not going to be the following day, but several days later, on Thursday, September 30. Of course, that vote did not happen, and it didn't happen on Friday after. 

Another "Dear Colleague" press release from the speaker, on Saturday, announced a new deadline of Sunday, October 31. The press release titled "It's About Time," freakily began virtually every paragraph with "It's About Time!"

Earlier on Saturday, Biden had been asked by a reporter if he think he could get it done by Thanksgiving, though he mocked the deadline. "I think it can be done by 2:27 a.m. on Decem- — come on.  I think it will get done.  Plenty of time for it to be part of changing the tax code for people next year and for giving people the breaks they need," he said.