
Scalise Out of ICU; Still in Serious Condition

Some positive news on Wednesday regarding House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA): he has been transferred out of the intensive care unit at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. A week ago, he was moved back into the unit after coming down with an infection.

Scalise remains in serious condition, however, despite not being in the ICU. He has been listed in serious condition since he was moved back to the ICU last week, having previously been in "fair" condition.

On June 14, Scalise and several others were shot while at baseball practice for the upcoming Congressional Baseball Game. The shooter, James T. Hodgkinson, was a former Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer and had a history of supporting progressive causes. He was shot and killed by a member of Scalise's security detail at the field. Scalise, the most badly wounded, was shot in the hip and suffered injuries to his internal organs and has undergone multiple surgeries. He is the only person injured in the shooting who remains in the hospital. 

In response to the shooting, the Congressional Baseball Game had record ticket sales and raised over a million dollars for charity. In a show of bipartisanship, the Democrats invited the Republicans to dinner before the game, and both teams wore Louisiana State University apparel in honor of Scalise's alma mater. Both teams came together to pray for the injured prior to the game.