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Illegal Aliens Rush to Cross the Border Before Election Day: 'Trump Won't Let Us In'

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

There’s a reason the Biden Administration refuses to secure the U.S.-Mexico border despite its immigration policies destroying America— and that reason holds a lot of weight for the president in the 2024 presidential election. 


Illegal immigrants making their way through Mexico to the southern border say they want “[President Joe] Biden to win” in November, fearing former President Donald Trump will squash their dreams of making it into the U.S. 

And they’re right. 

“If it’s Trump, it doesn’t matter how much I work or want to work. They won’t let me in,” one illegal immigrant told The Free Press. 

Thousands of illegal aliens are rushing to the U.S.-Mexico border in hopes of making it into the country before election day, with many anticipating a Trump win. 

Venezuelan citizen Alejandra Falcon told the outlet that she is waiting to use the words, “credible fear,” to get into the U.S. after scheduling a border appointment using Biden’s controversial “CBP One” mobile app. She said that her top concern is getting into the U.S. before election day. 

“If [Biden] doesn’t win, I can’t imagine what will happen,” Falcon said. 

Since day one of Biden’s term, he halted deportations, stopped border wall construction, Ended the Trump-era Remain In Mexico policy and Title 42, and reinstated a catch-and-release program. 


Biden has since encouraged the border crisis that has resulted in over seven million illegal immigrants entering the U.S. This number does not take into account the two million “known got-aways” who have crossed illegally crossed the southern border undetected by Border Patrol agents. 

On the contrary, Trump has promised a “border bloodbath” on day one of his second term should he win. 

In January, Biden vowed voters he would “shut down the border until it could get back under control.” However, he has appeared to fail Americans on that promise as millions of illegal immigrants continue to storm the nation’s exterior. 

A recent AP-NORC poll found that nearly 70 percent of voters disapprove of Biden’s handling of the southern border. 

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