Healthcare Town Hall Forum with Congressman Jim Himes
Agenda: Congressman Jim Himes (D-4), who has already been hard at work organizing his peers in Washington DC for health insurance reform, will speak and listen to our concerns.
Action: Opponents of reform are organizing counter-demonstrators to speak at this and several congressional town halls on the issue to defend the status quo. It is critical that our members with real, personal stories about the need for access to quality, affordable care come out in strong numbers to drown out their voices.
Tisk, tisk SEIU! Should we email Mr. O'Connor and tell him this "ugly campaign" to "disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue" is uncalled for? After all, Obamacare proponent Nancy Pelosi said today, "These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American." Or maybe we should just alert the White House...
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