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MSNBC Analyst Stretches the Bounds of Sanity Trying to Debunk 'Haitians Eating the Pets' Story

AP Photo/Ben Curtis, File

The Ohio Haitians have become the latest topic of discussion concerning immigration. It’s been dismissed by the liberal media for obvious reasons, though it shouldn’t. For starters, it’s partially true that these people eat things way off the menu. Geese and ducks are being chopped up and consumed. The aspect of eating the pets remains to be verified, but the corroborating evidence is significant. Police reports and 911 calls confirm the Haitians are going on a rampage against the local fowl. But MSNBC analyst Maria Hinojosa offered a genuinely bizarre reason for why this story is totally fake: Ohio is an open carry state. 


And? So, everyone in Springfield has a gun, and they’d be shooting Haitians dead left and right. Please, Maria. Let’s put down the crack pipe and get back to reality. There are tens of thousands of Haitians in the town, and that’s not even a proper fact check. The preface was some cockamamie sob story about Haitians knowing the feeling of being targeted or something—it’s irrelevant. Also, can we stop acting like open carry is some alien child of gun policy in America—31 states allow it? 

The segment also delved into why voters still believe the story. Here’s where we get into over-analysis. Maria says that Trump’s delivery is effective, like a strongman, which some Latino voters are accustomed to—a gross generalization—and identify with regarding someone who will protect them. 

Can we stop this game, liberals? The treatment of voters who don’t mainline MSNBC’s nonsense aren’t idiots. They believe the story because there’s evidence that it might be true, they don’t trust the media, and they sure as hell aren’t buying what MSNBC is saying. As with other stories weaponized against Trump, this one is falling apart: the bomb threats that liberals hoped to launch an all-out assault on this story fizzled, as the source got traced to overseas hoaxers. 


In 2023, there were videos of cats being grilled in Dayton. We have anecdotal evidence, and even the city manager voiced concerns to the city council in March about complaints over domestic pets being eaten. 

The media can’t stop it. The memes are gold; no one cares if the lefty reporters are appalled.


This story can’t be true because of open carry’—absolute cinema.

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