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CNN Made an Interesting Edit to Their Story About the GA School Shooter

AP Photo/Ron Harris

The shooting at a school in Georgia has become a national discussion, as Democrats have tried to use it to push gun control measures that have zero chance of becoming law. Yet, Mia wrote earlier today about the latest development that’s bound to sink any liberal media narrative about this tragic incident: the shooter, Colt Gray, 14, was supposedly angered over society's progress in accepting transgender people: 


Colt Gray, the suspected shooter accused of killing four at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, reportedly posted on social media about his plans to carry out a mass shooting over his "frustration with the acceptance of transgender people." 

Last year, a Discord account that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has linked to the 14-year-old shooting suspect had referenced plans for a future massacre and shared screenshots of firearms, documents obtained by CNN allege. 


Gray was on the FBI's radar since spring of last year. FBI Atlanta announced Wednesday evening that they knew about the 14-year-old making terroristic threats as early as May 2023. 

About a year and a half ago, the FBI's National Threat Operations Center received several anonymous tips concerning online threats to commit a school shooting at an unidentified location and time. The posts contained photographs of guns. Within 24 hours, the FBI discovered that the online posts originated in Georgia. Accordingly, the FBI's Atlanta field office referred the matter to the Jackson County Sheriff's Office. 

Gray shot and killed four people at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, on September 4. 

The FBI knowing about these mass shooters is another story entirely, but let’s get back to this CNN article. They had to have known this detail would have made manufacturing a liberal media narrative more complex, so this development was revealed 40 paragraphs into the story:


Yet, the network stealth-edited the article, clarifying that Gray might have been anti-transgender. No editor's note was offered:


So, what's going on here? Now, there is a hook for the liberal media if this anti-trans angle holds water. We all know liberals would instead prefer the shooter be white, with a history of making conspiratorial remarks involving Democrats. Now, they might have something to fan the flames for unconstitutional gun control politics because a kid murdered four people for not being woke enough or something. 

It's a marked departure from previous stories involving this community.

The Nashville shooter story has been mostly suffocated after authorities refused to release the manifesto of the killer. It was published earlier this week. Mia also covered the Nazi transgender wannabe shooter Elizabeth Ballesteros West, formerly Francisco Frank Paramo, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, who got charged by the FBI in January. You can read Cathell’s post here because it’s an Alice in Wonderland-like descent into madness. All these stories never saw the light of day. If they did, once more details emerged, the liberal press deployed countermeasures. 

What is an undeniable fake news story is the one involving what JD Vance said in response to this tragedy. The Associated Press intentionally twisted his words to make him seem cold and detached. The Associated Press was forced to delete the tweet, but the damage was done—the Harris campaign issued a statement repeating the lie. The publication alleged that Vance said school shootings were a “fact of life.” 


What he actually said was, “I don’t like that this is a fact of life, but if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools.”

We'll keep you updated on this since if Gray was initially considered pro-transgender, as CNN appears to have initially reported, you know why they buried the lede. 

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