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Old Man Who Threatened to Assault Trump Says We Need to Tone Down the Rhetoric in Slurred WH Address

Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP, Pool

Joe Biden is so tired from his little trip to Michigan that he had to deliver his remarks on the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump in two parts. Was this done to make it seem like this White House is busy? Were there even prepared remarks, given how this White House staff is demoralized, incompetent, and beyond third-rate? It wouldn’t shock me if the White House staff couldn’t muster to put anything on paper, as they’re filled with extreme animosity toward the former president and likely hoped Trump got killed in private. 


The address from the Oval Office was a slurred trainwreck, much like his NATO summit speech. The president was skipping over words, not staring at the camera, with mispronunciations peppering his address, saying that the “battle box” is where we decide the future of our country or something along those lines. 

I’ll give Biden an “A” for effort, but the man has never stepped up and risen to the occasion as past presidents. When Kabul fell in 2021, Biden was on vacation and dithered for hours on whether he should return. Also, the man who said in 2018 that he’d beat up Trump is hardly the person you want giving a lecture about toning down the rhetoric (via ABC News): 

Former Vice President Joe Biden took fresh jabs at President Donald Trump … while speaking at an anti-sexual assault rally, telling students at the University of Miami that he probably would have "beat the hell out" of Trump if they'd attended school together. 

"A guy who ended up becoming our national leader said, 'I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it,'" Biden said. "They asked me if I’d like to debate this gentleman, and I said 'no.' I said, 'If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.'" 

"I've been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life," Biden continued. "I'm a pretty damn good athlete. Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest S.O.B. in the room." 


This is the guy we should look up to for calm following a national crisis like this? No. 


There were numerous signs that Biden never possessed the presidential timber for the job. He lacks charisma, is painfully awkward with children and women on camera, is touchy/grabby and smells hair, and runs and loses twice for this job. When Trump could have been killed in an assassination, Biden, again, dithered on issuing a statement that was austere, sloppy, and an all-around mess. The transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, released something quicker, and it was better. How does that even work? 

For months, Biden has been ginning up the Democratic Party base into a violent frenzy over Trump, claiming he’ll destroy our democracy and is the greatest threat of all time to our country. Joe Biden should have taken responsibility for increasing the supposed temperature and didn’t because Joe Biden is a failed president, politician, and human being who hails from a family that’s comprised of drug addicts, money-grubbers, and power-trippers—they’re all degenerates. 


So, no, we don’t need lectures from people who were inciting violence against conservatives and Trump. What we need is for Joe to leave office when Trump defeats him in a landslide in November, a final, stinging rebuke of a man who thinks of himself as one of history’s greats but has always been consistently second-tier and a lying disappointment. It’s not an accomplishment to be a Democrat from Delaware. Biden is the loser who came in last but thinks he won the race. He’s not and will never possess the political skill and charisma exhibited in that room, which he probably thinks is the nursing home activities center.

This nation will be better, stronger, and more compassionate when this grump, delusional bastard leaves the White House, and I am all too happy to make that happen by voting for Donald J. Trump this Fall. 

I’ve said my opponent is essentially Hitler, but let’s tone down the rhetoric

Go to hell, Joe. And take your Ensure and catheter with you. Oh, and don’t forget to tranquilize Lady Macbeth, who will not be willing to vacate the premises. That’s a whole other saga: the selfish and abusive crusade Jill Biden is subjecting her husband to right now.

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