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How Pro-Terrorist Goons Tried to Shut Down JFK Airport

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

To all the Palestinians whining about why no one cares that the Gaza Strip is being bombed back to the Stone Age, it’s because Hamas turned it into a massive Jihadi training camp. Its residents overwhelmingly support Hamas and their brutal October 7 attacks. Sorry, I’m not crying over dead terrorists or their supporters. Second, it’s not just a ‘western thing.’ The Arab world also views you people like a cancer, which is why no one wants youNO ONE


Arab leaders are only outraged because the insignia on the military equipment rolling through Gaza right now is the Star of David. Other than that, they’ve been privately telling Israel to annihilate Hamas, viewing them as a domestic threat as well. Palestinians bring trouble and terrorism. So, the ceiling for popular support for us to stop killing terrorists is next to none. And when you put the lives of hundreds of people at risk for trying to storm airports and launching massive balloons to ground air traffic. Yes, that’s what these people did:


I can confidently say that you won’t win any friends or positively generate awareness for your cause if you try to cause planes to crash, or ground all air traffic, and block highways. 

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