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A Great Day for the Second Amendment Was Ruined By Backstabbing Republicans

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The Left was in an uproar yesterday. The Supreme Court handed down their opinion in the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen case which struck down the justifiable need clause in the Empire State’s carry law as unconstitutional. It also affirmed that we do have the legal right to carry firearms outside the home in public for self-defense. One of the last battles in the fight to maintain our gun rights has been decided and we won. Essentially, every state will be forced to adopt ‘shall issue’ carry laws. In other words, if you pass the safety courses and the background check, the state must give you a permit. 


The liberal media went ballistic. Democrats went nuts. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the opinion, which triggered the Left even more. The man who goes against all their rules authored an opinion that expanded civil rights in America. The celebration died yesterday evening. It wasn’t due to rioting. It wasn’t because of anything liberals said throughout the day. It was because of the Republicans. After a great day for gun rights, the Senate Republicans decided to double down and push through this anti-gun package that will expand red flag laws and enhance background checks. By that, I mean it adds waiting periods on gun purchases. Nothing in this bill enhances public safety. It does incentivize government overreach and the stripping of Second Amendment rights from law-abiding citizens (via WSJ):

The Senate passed the most sweeping firearms legislation in decades, with a coalition of more than a dozen Republicans joining Democrats to provide new tools to deter mass shootings following deadly attacks around the nation.

The 65-33 vote capped a month of negotiations, led by Sens. Chris Murphy (D., Conn.) and John Cornyn (R., Texas), who were tasked by the leaders of their respective parties with finding a compromise on one of the most contentious topics in American politics.

The legislation, which provides roughly $15 billion in funding, would help states put in place and enforce extreme risk protection orders, known as red-flag laws, to remove guns from people deemed dangerous; close the so-called boyfriend loophole related to dating partners; and expand background checks to include juvenile and mental health records for buyers under 21 years old. Of the spending, more than half would be used to fund mental-health programs and bolster school safety.


Cornyn thinks he won a victory against the mob. In other words, freedom-loving patriots who don’t want bills passed that chip away at their civil rights. He means base Republicans. Here’s the rest of the Benedict Arnold Club:

Some of these names are not shocking, but again, we’re reminded why a) we hate the squishy establishment types, and b) how we got Trump. Democrats in deep blue states NEVER support or vote for bills that are diametrically opposed to the party platform. No compromise. No debate especially if that issue is abortion. 

The GOP will bend over if it means some positive press. There was nothing honorable about this bill. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) did his part. He suckered the GOP into supporting a bill that will infuriate the GOP base and possibly depress voter turnout. Gun rights are issues that doesn’t leave the minds of hardcore conservative voters. We will remember. In Texas, you bet they’ll remember this betrayal. The other issue that has a long shelf life with voters is immigration. That will be where the GOP stabs us in the back a second time.

In less than a month, the GOP has unnecessarily undertaken a legislative endeavor that endangers their midterm hopes and maybe beyond that. They’re making a terrific case for why we shouldn’t ever vote for these people again. If this is their asking price for selling out to Democrats, God save us all from a Senate Republican majority with John Cornyn at the helm. 


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