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Mazie Hirono Gets Wrecked By Her Own Words in Opening Supreme Court Remarks

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

With the hearings going on as we speak, we have to go back to this because it hurts. It’s physically painful to watch. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) tried to be a good liberal soldier and return fire against the GOP attacks against Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson (KBJ). The problem is that the grenade she wanted to lob into the Republican camp blew up in her face. Is this bad staffing? Is this plain stupidity? Is this a classic case of a liberal ignoring or not knowing news that goes against his or her worldview? Maybe it’s a combination of both. Hirono infamously didn’t know the definition of illegal immigration at a Senate hearing in 2018.


She had this to say about KBJ:

Hold on. Let’s rewind that for a second. “They have implied you were solely nominated due to your race...Your nomination is not about filling a quota... It is about time that we have a highly qualified, highly accomplished Black woman serving on the Supreme Court.”

Uh, Mazie, you just contradicted yourself. That last bit makes it clear it is about quotas and it is about race. I mean, this goes beyond face-palm-worthy. Also, the Biden White House pretty much said this SCOTUS nominee will be selected based on race. I don’t know where you’ve been, lady. It’s been said by Circle Back Psaki. It’s been said by Joe Biden. 

This is just bad, BAD staff work, but it also doesn’t help that the senator, like Biden, has no clue what she’s talking about. Hirono is from deep-blue Hawaii so she faces zero consequences from her half-braindead antics, but this is quite a hit to the face from her own boomerang, my word. 


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