Revenge is a dish best served cold. The Left has doxed conservatives. In fact, in the early 2010s, “swatting” was something that occurred to multiple right-leaning writers and activists, including Erick Erickson. To recap, “swatting” is when a nutjob lefty calls emergency services, makes up a fake violent incident occurring at your home, which triggers an armed response unit to arrive, and, well, you can imagine what could come of that situation.
As for doxxing, it's something that we cannot use or partake in because we’re supposed to be above that. Well, screw that. We’re in wartime and everything and anything hurled at us should be redirected in kind. Sorry, this is a street fight for the presidency of the United States. So, when The New York Times allegedly plotted to go after Fox News’ Tucker Carlson by exposing where he lived, placing his family in danger, he took to the airwaves to lambast the publication and rightfully so; a mob had found out where he lived in DC and it was not pleasant.
.@nytimes does not plan to publish Tucker Carlson's residence, which Carlson was aware of before his broadcast tonight.
— NYTimes Communications (@NYTimesPR) July 21, 2020
Leah wrote about Carlson torching the Times this morning. The liberal paper denied they were plotting to do this, but we can’t trust these liars. They lied about Russian collusion, they peddled a COVID panic porn study from South Korea regarding schools that was shoddy as hell, and now we’re supposed to believe them—an anti-Trump paper loaded with ‘woke’ crybaby reporters—that they weren’t going to dox Carlson. This is the ultimate ‘sure, Jan’ moment. We just got ahead of your pernicious scheme:
Tucker responds to intrusive reporting by The New York Times.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) July 21, 2020
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Monday The New York Times was planning to publish a story this week on where his family lives to “hurt” them in an effort to make him “shut up and stop disagree with them”—a claim the paper denies.
“Last week The New York Times began working on a story about where my family and I live. As a matter of journalism there is no conceivable justification for a story like that. The paper is not alleging we’ve done anything wrong and we haven’t. We pay our taxes. We like our neighbors. We’ve never had a dispute with anyone,” he said.
“So why is The New York Times doing a story on the location of my family’s house? Well, you know why. To hurt us, to injure my wife and kids so that I will shut up and stop disagree with them. They believe in force. We’ve learned that.”
Tucker named the reporter who tracked him, Murray Carpenter, and he got doxed. You just hate to see it (via WaPo):
Last week: Dilbert cartoonist ridiculously claims Republicans will be hunted if Biden wins. What a nut!
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) July 21, 2020
This week: The New York Times is trying to kill Tucker Carlson's family.
They hate it when you treat them how they've treated you
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) July 21, 2020
…an army of conservative Twitter accounts started publicly posting the address and personal information of the reporter Carlson identified as the story’s writer. Many encouraged people to harass the reporter.
In a statement to The Washington Post, a spokesperson for the Times denied Carlson’s claims.
“While we do not confirm what may or may not publish in future editions, the Times has not and does not plan to expose any residence of Tucker Carlson’s, which Carlson was aware of before tonight’s broadcast,” the spokesperson said. The spokesperson declined to comment further when asked about the reporter’s doxing.
He identified the reporter behind the story as Murray Carpenter, airing his photo and calling the freelance writer a “political activist.” Carpenter’s website states that he focuses on science and environmental stories and has written for the Times, The Post and National Geographic, among other outlets.
Carlson also mentioned photographer Tristan Spinski and the Times’s media editor Jim Windolf by name.
“How would Murray Carpenter and his photographer, Tristan Spinski, feel if we told you where they live, if we put pictures of their homes on the air?” Carlson asked. “What if we published the home address of every one of the soulless, robot editors at the New York Times, who assigned and managed this incitement of violence against my family?"
He added: “We could do that. We know who they are.”
By early Tuesday, at least one tweet that publicized Carpenter’s personal information had been hidden by Twitter and flagged for violating the platform’s rules.
“They hate my politics. They want this show off the air,” Carlson said in his monologue. “If one of my children gets hurt because of a story they wrote, they won’t consider it collateral damage. They know it’s the whole point of the exercise: to inflict pain on our family, to terrorize us, to control what we say. That’s the kind of people they are,” the Fox News host added.
That’s the Left alright. And it’s why we must fight back by any means necessary at this point. Like the statues to America’s Founding Fathers, the ‘woke’ Left wants to erase us. We’re not going to leave quietly. It’s time to get dirty, which is politics in its purest form. We have to win. Period. And I frankly don't care about the methods with which we accomplish that goal.
Editor's Note: The intro was tweaked a bit. It made it seem like I was endorsing "swatting." Apologies for that.
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