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The Liberal Media Totally Eats It With Their Fake News Coverage of VA's Pro-Gun Rights Rally

Virginia Citizen’s Defense League had their Lobby Day yesterday. Thousands attended. It was probably the best turnout in years. And that’s the keyword here, folks: years. The VCDL has been organizing this event for quite some time, but if you’d check out MSDNC, CNN, and other liberal outlets infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, you’d think this was the inaugural Nazi event in Richmond. Yes, this was a crowd filled with white nationalists, who were really mutants because they morphed into Asians, blacks, and women. Like the evil chameleons that they are, they mutated into folks who aren’t white and also didn’t commit any crimes. There were no arrests made at the rally. Of course, I’m being sarcastic. This was never nor has it ever been a Nazi gathering. You’d have to snort a ton of cocaine laced with Drano to believe that garbage lie, but the liberal media was at it again, peddling straight fakes news about the violence that was to come because law-abiding citizens were making their voices heard on gun rights.


The Media Research Center’s Newsbusters division was there for all the fireworks. How these MRC analysts don’t need mountains of Advil after hearing these lies are something to behold.

What were these reports about a week of violence before the rally:

 Since there was no violence what so ever at the gun rights rally in Richmond, Virginia on Monday, CBS Evening News apparently decided to make-up some fake news and claim there was. As fill-in anchor Maurice DuBois began discussing the event, he falsely claimed there was “more than a week” of “violence” leading up to the rally. But back in reality, there wasn’t.

Before he even got to the report, and longer still until CBS admitted there was no violence, DuBois used the opening tease of the program to mislead viewers by suggesting rally goers forced Richmond law enforcement to deploy riot police. “Tight security, more than 20,000 show up to protest stricter gun laws in Richmond as police in riot gear turn out in force. The latest on Virginia's showdown over the second amendment,” he purported.

At no point did CBS show pictures or video of these supposedly-deployed riot police.


CNN and MSDNC did their part as well about white nationalists descending into Richmond, except that they didn’t:

MSNBC Live host Craig Melvin needed perhaps the most sympathy, given his hour of attacks on those in attendance. Repeatedly, he bashed the event by placing peaceful attendees alongside “militia groups” and “white nationalists” to tar and feather it as one of hate with “fears of a dangerous confrontation.”

MSNBC colleague Andrea Mitchell also stated that “Virginia residents praying today's rally at the State capitol is not a repeat of the horrible 2017 Charlottesville disaster” and suggested that Second Amendment activists were synonymous with those who clashed (with Antifa) in Charlottesville.

The NAACP’s Sherrilyn Ifill told Mitchell that the Virginia Citizens Defense League-organized event featuring “weapons of war is at odds with the very essence of who Martin Luther King was” by demonstrating violence instead of “non-violence.”

Filling in for Stephanie Ruhle on MSNBC Live, Chris Jansing fibbed that “several hate groups” were “protest[ing] on the steps of the Virginia State Capitol,” which would be news to the VCDL and planned speakers like Bearing Arms’s Cam Edwards, State Delegate Nick Freitas (R), and WRVA’s Jeff Katz.

Already having a hilariously bad morning, NBC’s Gabe Gutierrez reluctantly told viewers that “thankfully, so far, it’s been a peaceful protest” even though “there was a lot of concern about the potential for violence.”


It’s because of reports like these that had locals in sheer terror…of nothing (via NBC News):

“I’m very worried,” Francisca Benavides, a student at Virginia Commonwealth University, said.

Benavides, who's studying photography at the 31,000-student public research university, wanted to attend the rally to document it but is having second thoughts after Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, declared a state of emergency last week in anticipation of the event. He said "credible intelligence" indicated the rally would draw armed militias and hate groups.

“All my friends are trying to convince me not to attend,” Benavides said, adding she was reassured when Northam temporarily banned guns and other weapons from the grounds of the Capitol, and the state Supreme Court struck down the rally organizers' challenge to the order.


Gabby Safley, a VCU student from Charlottesville who studies history, saw what happened to her city when neo-Nazis marched through the streets and white supremacist James Alex Fields ran over and killed counterprotester Heather Heyer in August 2017. She had friends near Fields’ car when he sped into the crowd, students she mentored were traumatized by the event, and her aunt served on the jury for Field's trial, she said.

Safley fears Monday’s rally will be Charlottesville all over again.

“I’m not surprised it’s happening,” she said, “and it wouldn’t be surprising if it turns into something like Charlottesville.”


Oh yes, how convenient that the majority of the people interviewed to bash this rally are mindless liberal students. It’s the confederacy of idiots, folks. History didn’t repeat because again, the VCDL doesn’t organize Nazi rallies. It never has. It never will. People who support gun rights aren’t white nationalists either. And if this is the latest smear against gun owners from liberals, then our side has truly won. The anti-gun Left has nothing if this has become their go-to attack line against us. For more coverage, check out our own Julio Rosas who was there to cover this peaceful event, as was The Washington Free Beacon’s Stephen Gutowski. One thing is for sure, the liberal media is going to eat it again over their fake news coverage about gun no one’s surprise. 


This epic turnout was due to Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam pushing gun control measures, as his party retook the state legislature last Fall. The Democratic State Senate has already passed three bills that will do nothing to increase public safety (via NRA-ILA):

Senate Bill 35, introduced by Senator Scott Surovell, passed by a vote of 19-21. It would destroy Virginia’s firearm preemption laws by allowing localities to create new “gun-free zones” in and around public buildings, parks, and permitted events such as farmer’s markets. Criminals would ignore these restrictions, leaving law-abiding citizens unable to defend themselves and their loved ones.

Senate Bill 69, introduced by Senator Mamie Locke, passed by a vote of 19-21. This scheme, commonly referred to as “one-gun-a-month,” would arbitrarily ration an individual’s right to lawfully purchase a handgun to once within 30 days.

Senate Bill 70, introduced by Senator Louise Lucas, passed by a vote of 17-23. It would ban sales between private individuals without first paying fees and obtaining government permission. Firearm sales between friends, neighbors, or fellow hunters, would not be exempted. This proposal would have no impact on crime and is completely unenforceable.


In the meantime, Virginia Second Amendment supporters will be watching. It would seem Northam has awakened a sleeping giant in the Old Dominion. 

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