National Harbor, MD–The National Rifle Association’s Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre delivered a call to arms for the 2016 election, noting that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama lie and peddle shoddy facts in the fight over of Second Amendment rights. LaPierre boasted that he called for a one-on-one debate with President Obama after his town hall event on gun violence on CNN in January, and that he hasn’t agreed because he would “clean his clock” in that fight.
Additionally, LaPierre noted in a couple of instances where he took on the media’s narratives, drove them insane, endured abuse for his opinions, and never backed down. As a result, the NRA’s favorability and membership rates have reached record highs.
For LaPierre, it’s sticking to the truth. He noted that time and again, when the American people are delivered the facts in an untainted way–they would choose freedom every single time. With gun rights, we’ve seen a record expansion over the past several years; carry rights are recognized in all 50 states, including Washington D.C. Americans know that the Second Amendment guarantee all of our freedoms, which is why over 100 million firearms have been bought by Americans over the course of Obama’s presidency.
“Truth counts, truth matters, and truth endures,” said LaPierre. He mentioned this while explaining how “telling it like it is” brings success, and straight talk brings rewards. He added that this election year proves the rage of America’s voters is real and powerful. LaPierre said that we’re all here for one reason: we care about America.
The Second Amendment stalwart also offered kind words about the late Justice Antonin Scalia, who he described as a “monumental jurist and a hero of American freedom.” LaPierre noted that he was a true friend to America’s 100+ million gun owners and the 5 million members of the NRA.
The thought of Obama replacing Scalia is “harrowing,” he said. But the thought of an anti-gun president putting one or two justices on that bench should scare the hell out of us.
And speaking of truth, Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, seems to be having trouble in that department keeping her story about her email server straight. The FBI will most likely interview Bryan Pagliano, the State Department staffer who set up and maintained Clinton’s server while she was Secretary of State, who was recently offered immunity in exchange for his testimony.
If Clinton wants to peddle her half-truths on guns on the campaign trail, LaPierre welcomed the challenge, saying “bring it on;” no one works as hard as the NRA when it comes to our Second Amendment freedoms. They’re confident they can rout her as they did with Al Gore in 2000.
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