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Chip Saltsman Formally Announces RNC Chair Bid / Bill Frist Endorses

From a press release:

Nashville, TN – Today, Chip Saltsman, former chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party, formally announced his candidacy for the chairmanship of the Republican National Committee, alongside former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey. [# More #], a website dedicated to Saltsman’s plan for national Republican resurgence, also launched today.

“As Chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party, campaign manager for a Republican presidential campaign, and business owner, I know how to compete and how to win,” said Saltsman.  “Our party needs new and energetic leadership to rededicate ourselves to conservative principles, to regain the American voter's trust, and to set the stage for a dramatic turnaround in 2010 and beyond.”

Announcing his support for Saltsman, former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said, “If you look over Chip’s career – which is truly amazing given his age – in terms of vision, in terms of strategy, in terms of character, it has really been quite remarkable.  He has led our party to new heights.”  Frist continued, “Having known Chip since 1994, traveling the state county-by-county with him, having worked with him at the level of the state, having worked with him at the federal level, there is nobody that I know better suited to be the Chair of the Republican National Committee as Chip Saltsman.”

Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey endorsed Saltsman and commented, “If it hadn’t been for Tennessee, Al Gore would have been President.  We actually carried the state for George W. Bush.  And Chip led the way through all that time.  Not only recruiting candidates, raising money, and making sure that we held on to what we had in the State Senate at that time, but also helping us make some gains in the State House.  He truly was what I like to call a trailblazer.”

House Republican Leader Jason Mumpower also endorsed Saltsman in a letter read at the event: “Unwilling to settle for the status quo or listen to the naysayers, Chip had the vision and the initiative to turn our political landscape around and build a Republican Party that could govern with real solutions for the people of Tennessee.”

To watch video of Saltsman’s comments, please see:

To watch video of comments from Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey, Republican House Leader Jason Mumpower, and former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, please see:


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