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Romney After Tsunami Tuesday?

There's no doubt that Mitt Romney's large personal fortune -- combined with the fact that some conservatives will never embrace John McCain -- means that Mitt Romney could afford to stay in the race long after Tsunami Tuesday.

But two questions come to mind ...

1.  Would this shrewd business man, who has already spent well-over 20 million dollars of his own money, continue spending money on what could be a losing cause?  Smart businessmen don't throw away money. 

2.  Would Mitt Romney want to be blamed for a Republican loss in the General Election.  Fair or not, if he prolongs the race too long, that's what some people would say ...

Ronald Reagan went all the way to the Convention in '76, and was rewarded with the nomination in '80.  That could happen for Mitt, too.  Or, he could be more like Ted Kennedy -- who was blamed for costing Jimmy Carter the election that same year ...

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