Biden's Debate Prep Includes This Physical Test. I Don't Think It's Going Well.
CNN's Van Jones Explains Why the Obama Coalition Is Collapsing Right Now
Notice What's Embarrassing About The Associated Press' Fact-Check About Biden's LA Fundrai...
Do You Feel a Draft?
Climate Change Clowns Get Totally Owned Trying to Disrupt Scottie Scheffler on the...
Joe Biden Was Definitely Going to Attack Trump on This in the Debate....
My Record Really Stood Out
America Needs to Supercharge Nuclear Energy
The IG Report on the FDA’s Response to Infant Formula Recall Is Here
'Thou Shalt Not Post the Ten Commandments!'
The Future of Democracy?
The Case for J.D. Vance
Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Raging Among the Left
RFK Jr. Deserves Secret Service Protection

Rudy's Values Voters Play

I'm hearing rumors that Rudy Giuliani will attend FRC's Values Voter Summit, taking place in DC on October 19-21.  Speculation is that his decision to attend probably has to do with the fact that he has attended few social conservative events -- as well as the recent uproar over a possible 3rd Party bid.

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