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Rep. Steve King of Iowa Endorses Thompson

Bonus: Rope-a-dopes the MSM in the process. MSNBC was reporting Romney before the official endorsement came.

They're also reporting the endorsement took the Romney team by surprise:

King just announced that he's supporting Thompson. Team Romney is in the back of the room looking bewildered. They were all here, leading all the press to conclude that it was an endorsement for Romney.
King is conservative on immigration, social issues, and spending, and his endorsement will undoubtedly be more significantly with Iowa conservatives than the Des Moines Register's. Michelle Malkin has the full endorsement text.

Fred Thompson is a solid conservative with a pro-life voting record and a logical Constitutional strategy to protect marriage. Of the candidates, he has the best understanding of the principles of federalism. He has adopted good policy and put together a solid platform. I have confidence that he would defend the border and the Constitution with appointments to the courts. Thompson, like Bush, would need help with appointments. He needs to really want to be president. Although he might bring the wisdom of Solomon to the White House, he needs the fire in the belly to get there.

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