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A ‘Trans’ High School Athlete Won a State Title at a Women’s Event

AP Photo/Darren Abate

A so-called “transgender” athlete reportedly won a women’s event in Washington on Saturday. 

Veronica Garcia, a male, competed in the girls’ 400-meter dash at the Washington State Championship. According to several reports, Garcia dominated the competition but wouldn’t have stood a chance if he had competed against males (via Daily Mail):


Veronica Garcia, a 16-year-old transgender high school runner of the East Valley School District in Spokane, Washington finished with a time of 55.75 - a full second ahead of the first biologically female runner. 


Lauren Matthew of the West Valley School District, who came second in the race,  did not have the power to keep up with Garcia and came a full second behind her with a time of 56.75.

But had Garcia, who was born male, been running in the equivalent boy's race, she wouldn't have even managed 16th place - with the slowest boy finishing at 53.12 - more than 2.5 seconds clear of Garcia's time.  

Daily Mail noted that there was “virtual silence” in the stadium as Garcia was awarded first place. The other runners stood in silence with their hands behind their backs instead of clapping. 

A similar incident occurred this month in Oregon, which Townhall covered. A male athlete who thinks he’s a woman, Aayden Gallagher, won the Oregon Girls' 6A 200-meter race by two-tenths of a second. When the boy’s name was announced as the winner, the audience booed.


Last month, Townhall reported how Gallagher competed in the Sherwood Need for Speed Classic, where he dominated women’s races, especially the 200-meter. Our sister site, RedState, noted that if Gallagher had competed in the boy’s 200-meter at the event, he would have finished in 61st place. 


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