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Another Hospital Curtails Irreversible Transgender Care for Children

AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

A controversial transgender clinic in Missouri announced this week that it will stop administering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children.

The Washington University Transgender Center said in a statement on Monday that “physicians will no longer prescribe puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to minors for purposes of gender transition” over a new state law slated to take effect. Going forward, families will be referred to other facilities to undergo this type of experimental care.


“We are disheartened to have to take this step. However, Missouri’s newly enacted law regarding transgender care has created a new legal claim for patients who received these medications as minors. This legal claim creates unsustainable liability for health-care professionals and makes it untenable for us to continue to provide comprehensive transgender care for minor patients without subjecting the university and our providers to an unacceptable level of liability,” the statement explained.

Townhall previously reported how Jamie Reed, a former healthcare worker at the clinic, spoke out in a bombshell report in The Free Press about how “morally and medically appalling” “gender-affirming” health care is on young people. In her report, Reed recounted her experience working as a case manager at the center for four years and saw “around a thousand” young people who were struggling with their gender identity.

“I left the clinic in November of last year because I could no longer participate in what was happening there. By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to ‘do no harm.’ Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care,” Reed wrote in her piece. 


“The mental health of these kids was deeply concerning—there were diagnoses like schizophrenia, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and more. Often they were already on a fistful of pharmaceuticals,” Reed explained. “This was tragic, but unsurprising given the profound trauma some had been through. Yet no matter how much suffering or pain a child had endured, or how little treatment and love they had received, our doctors viewed gender transition—even with all the expense and hardship it entailed—as the solution.”

All in all, Reed said the experience felt like “building the plane while we are flying it.”

In response, Washington University issued a statement claiming that Reed’s allegations are “disturbing.” 

“We are committed to providing compassionate, family-centered care to all of our patients and we hold our medical practitioners to the highest professional and ethical standards,” the statement claimed.

Shortly after, lawmakers in the state passed bills protecting children from this type of so-called “gender-affirming” care, as well as implemented a hotline to report this kind of abuse.

Washington University is not the only healthcare provider to come under fire for providing these types of services to children. Last year, Townhall reported how Vanderbilt University Medical Center was exposed for providing irreversible, experimental transgender surgeries for children because it’s profitable. As a result, the medical center became the subject of intense backlash. Lawmakers at the state and federal level began to call for investigations. 


Following the shocking revelations from these hospitals, GOP Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance announced legislation that would outlaw transgender surgeries for minors completely.

“Under no circumstances should doctors be allowed to perform these gruesome, irreversible operations on underage children. With this legislation, we have an opportunity to save countless young Americans from a lifetime of suffering and regret,” Vance said of the legislation.

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