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Mayor Bowser Touts 'DC Values' By Shipping Illegal Immigrants Out of DC

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

In an email to Washington D.C. residents over the weekend, Democratic Mayor Muriel Bowser explained her new plan to deal with an influx of illegal immigrants over the past six months. 


Citing an ongoing humanitarian crisis, Bowser reassured Washingtonians that their values will be honored by shipping illegal immigrants out of the city and to other parts of the country. 

"We believe that approximately 9,400 people have been bused to DC from Texas and Arizona since April. The vast majority of people move on to final destinations outside of DC.  To better respond to this ongoing humanitarian crisis, yesterday, I announced that we are establishing an Office of Migrant Services. Through the office, the District will be able to set up a framework to: Meet all buses and facilitate onward travel; Triage the needs of people arriving in Washington, DC and attend to their basic needs; and Set up a system, distinct from the homeless services system, that is tailored to the needs of migrants," Bowser wrote, chiding Republican Governors Doug Ducey and Greg Abbott for shipping illegal immigrants from border towns. "With this plan, we are staying true to our DC values and building a system that will support a compassionate, consistent, and well-coordinated response."

Bowser announced the move despite the Nation's Capital being a leftist, sanctuary city while acknowledging illegal immigration places severe burdens on taxpayer funded systems meant for American citizens. 


"This framework also acknowledges that the District’s homeless services system is not set up to support the unique needs of migrants. With a new Office of Migrant Services, we can ensure our homeless services system continues to function in support of DC residents," Bowser continued. "This is a new challenge for DC, but I feel confident that if we lead with our values and if we put the right systems in place — which we are doing with this new office — then we will lead a response that makes our community proud."

Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris was asked about the issue over the weekend and falsely claimed the border is secure. 

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