In the aftermath of the killing of Iranian terrorist Qassem Soleimani last week, the pro-Iran members of the Obama administration have made their way into the media to slam President Trump's policies.
In a series of interviews, Obama officials argue the United States was safer under the Iranian nuclear agreement and that the world is at further risk with Soleimani's death. This of course isn't true.
During an interview with Fox News, former Navy SEAL and Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw took their narrative to task.
"They are obsessed with defending their strategy of appeasement. They thought that the best way to deal with Iran was to pay them off, send over pallets full of cash, unfreeze their assets, lift sanctions, and then hope for change, right?" he said. "Remember President Obama's theme was hope and change, and that was their foreign policy, as well. It didn't work, and it's time to accept that because hat actually happened is the Iranians were enriched and therefore able to fund their Quds force more and destabilize the region, destabilize Syria, Yemen, fund sleeper cells in Bahrain, fund Shia militias in Iraq."
"I'm not going to listen to someone like Ben Rhodes who effectively admitted to lying to the American people and creating an echo chamber in the media to get their Iran deal through," he continued. "The reality is that the Iran deal left us weaker."
Meanwhile, President Trump is strongly defending taking out Soleimani and leaving the nuclear agreement.
"Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon. They understand that,” Trump said from the White House Thursday.
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