As amnesty talks continue to swirl on Capitol Hill, parents in Central America are sending their children to the United States knowing that under President Obama's deferred action policies, they won't be sent back home.
Border Patrol resources in Texas are so overwhelmed, hundreds of children have been relocated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the Border Patrol Station in Nogales, Arizona for processing.
"A lot of the agents are pissed just beyond belief because we realize these people, there's no way they're going back, they're going to be let go eventually. They're just trying to figure out how to do it right now. The problem is with President Obama's deferred deportation program, they're not deporting any juveniles so they're not going to deport these people back to their home country, which would be the common sense thing to do," one source said. "They're unaccompanied juveniles, meaning they didn't come with a parent or a relative so you can't just let them go on the street because they're a juvenile so now they're in a bind going, 'What the hell do we do with all of these people?'"
According to sources on the ground in Nogales, who have asked to remain anonymous for fear of losing their jobs, 1000 OTM (other than Mexican) unaccompanied juveniles from Central America are already being sheltered in a warehouse and Border Patrol agents are expecting 2000 children by the end of next week. Estimates show overall 60,000 unaccompanied juveniles will illegally cross into the United States this year.
"It's just chain-link cells so we have aliens sleeping all over the floor and they told us to probably expect another thousand over the next week, week and a half," another Border Patrol agent tells Townhall. "We have these huge chain link cages, 20-feet tall with razor wire around them, this is inside a warehouse. They are probably 50 by 100 [feet] and there's probably 10 or 11 of these big cages like that and so there's probably 100-200 aliens in each cell, or cage and there's just park benches right down the middle, two rows of park benches and then they give them these little rubber mats, a little foam pad to lay on. We don't have enough blankets so they're issuing out those foil blankets, it's like a piece of tin foil and that's all they get. There are so many people crammed. The smell is just horrendous, horrendous."
Photos obtained exclusively by Townhall show children sleeping in chain link cages.

Border Patrol has ordered in an additional 20 refrigerators and freezers to keep everyone fed.
Sources say scabies and tuberculous are becoming a public health concern and that hospitals may soon become overwhelmed.
"We've had issues of scabies here. The other day we had a guy come in here with a very rare strain of chicken pox and they sent out a message about needing to keep this guy quarantined," an agent detailed.
Because of the influx of children, Border Patrol agents are being pulled out of the field on the border to help deal with the crisis, leaving even more of the border wide open.
"We have all of these juveniles so they're pulling agents out of the field to come in and babysit them basically," a source said. "They're cancelling some of our specialty details for our crews who go out and work the mountains, calling them back in and telling them they have to work the processing center because there are so many people in there."
Border Agents in Nogales have been told FEMA trailers left over from Hurricane Katrina are being sent to the area to provide additional housing. According to sources, half of the top parking lot at the Nogales station has been cleared for their arrival. When asked, FEMA officials did not provide on the record comment on trailers being shipped for housing, but did say resources are being sent to help address the immediate needs of unaccompanied children. President Obama has called on FEMA to divert resources to the crisis, but there has been no announcement from the administration about how this crisis will be stopped from getting worse or handled long term.
"This is a humanitarian crisis," an agent said.
This post has been updated.
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