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Democratic Illinois State Rep: You Know, The Cops Could Be Shooting Black Children

In an effort to do anything but admit black-on-black crime is a major problem, Democratic Illinois State Representative Monique Davis (whose district office is in Chicago) repeated a libelous claim made by her constituents that Chicago cops *might* be shooting young black children during an appearance on a Detroit radio show earlier this week. Last night in response, Fox News' Bill O'Reilly asked Davis to clarify her comments on his show. More from

Davis insisted to O’Reilly that she wasn’t alleging anything, just repeating what constituents told her. O’Reilly pressed her on why she didn’t dismiss it as “crazy,” explaining that she has “credibility as an elected official” and she should know better than to say police are killing black kids. Davis suggested that given how such a high number (70 percent) of murders in Chicago remain unsolved, “people are wondering what the heck is going on.”

What the heck is going on? Over to you, Larry Elder.

And back to O'Reilly:

And now, over to CNN's Don Lemon:

Al Sharpton did not return calls for comment.

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