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Juan Williams to Michelle Malkin: I'm a Real Journalist, Not a Blogger

Last night on Hannity, liberal Fox News Political Analyst Juan Williams got on his high horse and called Michelle Malkin "just a blogger" while touting his title as a "real journalist."



Michelle took to Twitter after the show:




So, let's take a look at Michelle Malkin's background. First off, she's a #1 New York Times Best Selling author, Juan Williams is not. Next, Michelle started her career in the newspaper business and then was an overwhelmingly successful pioneer in the blogging world. She launched our sister site, one of the most popular political websites on the web. Her own blog, is  well known, highly respected and has massive amounts of traffic.

Now, let's take a look at just a few of the stories the "just bloggers" have broken:

-Operation Fast and Furious was first exposed by bloggers Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea

-The Rep. Anthony Weiner Scandal, which resulted in Weiner's resignation, was blown out of the water by Andrew Breitbart


-ACORN was exposed (and lost all of it's taxpayer funding as a result) by Andrew Breitbart on his blog and by multi-media journalists Hannah Giles and Jame O'Keefe

-SWATing has been exposed by bloggers

-The real Sandra Fluk was exposed by bloggers


Parting thought: Those "real journalists" over at NPR sure were nice Juan Williams, eh? And guess who had his back when that whole thing went down: conservative bloggers.


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