HBO's Bill Maher is the latest self-proclaimed liberal who may have taken things a bit too far on his Friday night show, "Real Time." In his opening monologue, he analyzed White House advisor Steve Bannon's speech at CPAC regarding the “deconstruction of the administrative state.”
“I’m not sure the word for that is ‘conservative.’ I think it’s ‘terrorist,'” Maher said about Bannon's plan.
Maybe the real issue is not that Maher called Bannon a terrorist, because Maher is known for being edgy at times, which, we have come to respect. However, Maher is a so-called protecter of the weak and vulnerable and it is that very "administrative state" which destroys the lives of families in the suburbs of Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland.
Maher has abandoned his liberal principles and is now a proponent of keeping things the way they are. Anyone who voices a contrary opinion or challenges the status quo is now considered a "terrorist."
Read the full text below:
“The scariest thing at CPAC was President Steve Bannon saying…Trump’s cabinet was selected for a reason, and that is the ‘deconstruction of the administrative state.’ Wow. I’m not sure the word for that is ‘conservative.’ I think it’s ‘terrorist.’ … You can’t impeach a guy for, my plan is to wreck everything. What if you tried this at Quiznos? I intend to spit in this sandwich, steal all the money from the register, and burn the place down. What do you think?”
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