Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo wrote a letter to Center for Disease Director Rochelle Walensky demanding the federal agency provides more data about adverse side effects stemming from mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Ladapo said the Florida Department of Health's own research into the issue has revealed how extensive the problem can be for some individuals who get the vaccine:
In addition to Florida's analysis of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, academic researchers throughout our country and around the globe have seen troubling safety signals of adverse events surrounding this vaccine. Their concerns are corroborated by the substantial increase in VAERS reports from Florida, including life-threatening conditions. We have never seen this type of response following previous mass vaccination efforts pushed by the federal government. Even the HI NI vaccine did not trigger this sort of response. In Florida alone, we saw a 1,700% increase in reports after the release of the COVID-I9 vaccine, compared to an increase of 400% in vaccine administration for the same period. The reporting of life-threatening conditions increased 4,400%.
While the Biden administration and Big Pharma continue to blindly push mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, Florida remains dedicated to responding to public health concerns guided by data and common sense. pic.twitter.com/WdYVxxrg94
— Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD (@FLSurgeonGen) February 16, 2023
"According to a recent study, mRNA COVID-1 9 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events, including coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell's palsy, and encephalitis, to name a few. This risk was I in 550, much higher than other vaccines. To claim these vaccines are "safe and effective" while minimizing and disregarding the adverse events is unconscionable," Ladapo further wrote.
Ladapo has spearhead the FDOH's efforts to promote living a healthy lifestyle so residents are not relying on excessive medications to simply maintain their health.
"With good cardiovascular health, you look good, feel good, have more energy, and your immune function improves," Ladapo said for American Heart Month. "Maintaining good cardiovascular health is an important personal goal for me as a dad, a physician, and as Florida’s Surgeon General. I encourage my fellow Floridians to stay active every day, whether a brisk walk or a fun swim, and to talk to their loved ones and health care providers about how to incorporate healthy habits into their lifestyle."
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