Your decision about whether to disclose may change with different people and situations. You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status.The guide also encourages HIV-positive individuals to have sex.
Young people living with HIV may feel that sex is just not an option, but don’t worry — many young people living with HIV live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfi lling lives. You can too, if you want to! Things get easier (and sex can get even better) as you become more comfortable with your status.Lastly, they encourage HIV-positive females to get pregnant:
There are ways to have a family that can reduce the risk of HIV transmission. Your local prevention of mother-to child transmission clinic, support group for people living with HIV or other people you know who are HIV-positive, can provide more information on getting pregnant.Planned Parenthood receives about $350 million in federal funding annually.
HT: CNS News.
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