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By the Way, Hamas Supporters Hunted Down Gatherings of Jews in Chicago During the DNC

AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

A judge recently delivered a sharp rebuke to UCLA, following the grotesque spectacle of pro-Hamas checkpoints, manned by enforcer thugs, physically blocking 'Zionist' Jewish students from freely moving around their own campus. It's pathetic that it took a judge to deliver that message.  The school, disgracefully, is appealing the ruling.  Other lawsuits are making their way through the system, including at places like Harvard and Northwestern.  Meanwhile, at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, gatherings of Jewish affinity groups and pro-Israel elements operated under extreme secrecy and heavy security, due to the snarling hatred in the streets. In the year 2024, Jewish Democrats do not feel safe meeting together at their own party's convention, in one of America's largest cities.  

Read the first sentence of this tweet, then read it again:

More details on the secrecy measures:

Joe Biden went out of his way to say the horrible anti-Semitic and anti-American bigots responsible for this intimidation and violence "have a point."  Kamala Harris is privately, behind closed doors, meeting with leaders of the Hamas-sympathetic-to-pro-Hamas community.  They are pandering to these people because they want their votes. Pure and simple.  There is a loud and growing element of the leftist-Islamist coalition that is openly celebrating their hatred, demanding a seat at the Democratic table.  Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have been trying to court their support:

A lot of party leaders are looking the other way as the darkness spreads:

And now, with Hamas yet again being the impediment to a ceasefire deal (they started the war and promise to commit October 7th-style massacres until the Jewish state is destroyed and the Jews are dead), and with Israel confirming the murders of more Hamas-held hostages, the Biden-Harris administration is applying more pressure to...Israel.  This is not about peace or justice or American interests.  It's about appealing to a domestic audience:


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