Sure, this is pure, unapologetic low-hanging fruit. And yes, you could probably find some conservatives who'd say equally stupid things on camera. But none that makes this video any less fun -- especially because the participants evidently all agreed to wear ridiculous Obama tiaras. My personal favorite moment comes at the (2:18) mark:
Oh, it's true, bro. Incidentally, this video was produced by the Centennial Institute, which will be hosting the 2013 Western Conservative Summit in Denver and Scottsdale, Arizona, July 26-28. Mary Katharine Ham and I part of the lineup, but we're small potatoes compared to the impressive headliners: Sen. Ted Cruz, Gov. Scott Walker, Rep. Allen West, Mayor Mia Love, and Gov. Mike Huckabee. If you live in the south- or mountain-west, I'd love to see you there.
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