Poor Jon Huntsman. He completely skipped out on Iowa to invest all of his time and energy into New Hampshire where, according to him, they "pick presidents" instead of picking corn. Unfortunately for him, if he believes his own words, it would appear that his presidential campaign is done for after New Hampshire, as he isn't doing nearly as well there as he must've been hoping. As the candidates head into the campaign-heavy weekend before the primary, according to Friday's polls and Townhall's Polltracker average, Mitt Romney is the consistent frontrunner.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Republican Primary Voters in New Hampshire finds Romney earning 42% support. Texas Congressman Ron Paul is a distant second with 18% of the vote, followed by former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, hot off his photo finish with Romney in the Iowa caucuses, at 13%. Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, who has focused his campaign efforts on New Hampshire, captures 12% support.
According to the poll, Romney gets the backing of 42 percent of likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, including those leaning toward a particular candidate.
He’s followed by Texas Rep. Ron Paul at 22 percent, Santorum at 13 percent, Gingrich and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman both tied at 9 percent, and Texas Gov. Rick Perry at 1 percent.
The NBC/Marist poll also reported that New Hampshirites (?) have already begun to make up their minds, with 60 percent of those polled "strongly" supporting their chosen candidate, but could the GOP debate tonight, now with only six candidates in the mix, do anything to change their minds? Guy Benson will be covering the debate live on-the-ground!
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