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Gingrich's American Solutions Shuts Down

There are reports today that American Solutions -- the group Newt Gingrich pioneered and which has been fundraising for quite awhile (it raised $52 million over 4 years)--was forced to shut down.


Red Dog Report says, "The Gingrich presidential campaign is all but over at this point."

How things have changed from this Politico report at the beginning of 2010:

Newt Gingrich’s political group raised nearly $6.4 million in the second half of 2009, easily outpacing the fundraising efforts of potential rivals for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty.

The group struggled, reported Politico yesterday, when Gingrich had to break with it to pursue his presidential campaign.

"The 527 group’s fundraising started to lag as soon as the former House speaker launched his White House bid in May, said one former staffer. Two months later, it was forced to quietly shut down operations."


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