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Brewer Asks Supreme Court to Take Up Arizona Immigration Bill

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has asked the Supreme Court via filed petition to take up Arizona's appealing of a lower court rule that put several items in SB 1070 in limbo. One of those items, reported Townhall's Katie Pavlich earlier this year, was the provision allowing police to ask about immigration status and documents after someone committed a crime.


"“I am hopeful that the U.S. Supreme Court will choose to take this case and issue much-needed clarity for states, such as Arizona, that are grappling with the significant human and financial costs of illegal immigration," Brewer's statement said.

She argued later in the statement that the underlying issue is a Constitutional one:

"“But make no mistake, this legal battle is not just about Arizona. It’s about the bedrock Constitutional principle of federalism under which states have the inherent authority to protect the safety and welfare of their citizens. State action becomes a duty in times like these when the federal government has so thoroughly abdicated its responsibility.”

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